September 2023

HomeWizard meters – a smart way to save energy and water

As the Dutch say: Meten is weten (to measure is to know), this post is about a product that allows you to know your electricity and water consumption in order to have a better perspective about your electricity, gas and water usage habits and thus take actions to save on energy consumption. HomeWizard Devices Home

HomeWizard meters – a smart way to save energy and water Read More »

The best personal finance books for beginners

Financial education is a fundamental tool for achieving economic stability and reaching our long-term financial goals. One of the best ways to acquire this knowledge is by reading books specialized in personal finance and savings. In this article I share with you some of the best books that will help you manage your finances effectively

The best personal finance books for beginners Read More »

Impact investing – Investing with Lendahand

What is Lendahand? Lendahand is one of five crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands with the permission of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), mainly you can invest in entrepreneurs and SMEs in developing countries. The projects you can invest in at Lendahand are too large for microfinance but too small for a bank

Impact investing – Investing with Lendahand Read More »