The cost of energy is familiar to all of us. It is usually the cost of gas to heat our homes and the cost of electricity. The consumption of both is measured by two meters in most households: the gas meter and the electricity meter. Whereas consumers used to rely on one supplier to determine the conditions – and therefore the prices – they can now choose between several energy companies for both gas and electricity.
Apart from the chosen energy company, there is still the electricity grid, which cannot be chosen. The grid operator ensures that the underground pipes, high-voltage cables, meter boxes and transformers are in good working order. Maintenance is therefore their responsibility. No savings can be made on these costs.
Understanding your energy bill
The following items can be found on the energy bill:
Supply costs (Leveringskosten): These are the actual costs for gas and electricity. The amount of supply costs varies depending on the supplier. You can save on this by using less gas and electricity, implementing energy saving measures and improving insulation. With solar panels, all consumption costs can be offset from the bill. You can also consider switching to another supplier to make savings; you can check the current prices in the comparator below.
Distribution Costs (Netbeheerkosten): These are the costs for the transport of electricity and gas by the distribution companies. Everyone must pay these costs to the supplier, who in turn passes them on to the distribution company. No savings are possible in this part.
Government Taxes and Charges (Belastingen en overheidsheffingen): The government imposes taxes on energy. The supplier bills these amounts and remits them to the government, which sets the amount. On an average consumption, these costs represent approximately 45% of the energy bill.
Other charges and statements (Overige kosten en overzichten): The annual statement with the settlement of the amounts paid, administrative fees, discounts and specifications is shown here.
Switch supplier (Overstappen)
It is advisable to look at the prices of other suppliers at the end of the contract. This is because it may be possible to make savings on the contract. However, it is important to take into account the duration of the current contract. It cannot be freely changed at any time. There are often penalties for terminating the contract early. The amount of the penalty and other rules on early termination of a contract can be found on the provider’s website.
You can compare different electricity suppliers with the tool below: