Invirtiendo en bonos en Holanda, ETFs de bonos

Uno de los instrumentos de inversión que podemos utilizar para invertir son los bonos. A estos se les conoce también como instrumentos de renta fija, se les dice asi por que desde el momento de comprarlos se conoce que rendimiento nos van a dar.

¿Qué son los bonos?

Los bonos o bonds en ingles son básicamente un pagaré, alguien (emisor) le presta dinero a otro alguien (receptor) y se compromete a devolverle el dinero en una fecha determinada (fecha de vencimiento del bono) y ademas a pagarle intereses (cupón) por el dinero prestado durante el periodo que dure el préstamo. La fecha de vencimiento y el interés que da el bono se conocen desde el momento de comprarlo.

Los emisores de los bonos pueden ser el gobierno de un país (como los CETES en México) o empresas que usan esta manera para financiarse. Al igual que con otros instrumentos de inversión a mayor riesgo mayor rendimiento. Por ejemplo los bonos de un país como México te darán mas intereses que los bonos de un país como Alemania (de hecho el bono aleman tiene interés negativo) puesto que es mas fácil que México deje de pagar su deuda a que Alemania lo haga. Lo mismo aplica con los bonos de las empresas, entre mas alto sea el riesgo que una empresa no pague su deuda el interés que te van a dar es mas alto.

Para tener una referencia que bonos son mas seguros se puede consultar la valoración que les dan las agencias calificadoras. Las agencias mas famosas son Moody’s y Standard & Poors (S&P), lo mas recomendable seria invertir en bonos con calificaciones no menores a Baa3/BBB/BBB.

Si bien los bonos son menos volátiles que las acciones tambien tienen variaciones de precios, la subida o bajada de las tasas de interés de los bancos centrales afectan el precio de los bonos.

¿Dónde puedo comprar bonos en Holanda?

Al igual que las acciones puedes comprar bonos con un bróker, por ejemplo Degiro. Tambien los bancos que ofrecen cuentas de inversión ofrecen acceso a estos productos.

Lo mas fácil para diversificar y no estar escogiendo bonos individuales es comprar un ETF de bonos. Tanto Degiro como BUX (los brokers que uso para invertir en la bolsa) tienen estos productos disponibles.

ETFs de bonos en BUX 0- Broker Holandés

Aquí te dejo una lista de algunos ETFs de bonos que se encuentran disponibles en BUX 0 . Si quieres saber mas de este broker puedes leer el articulo Invertir con menos de 15 euros

NombreISINDescripción Precio 26-01-2022Cupón
€ (%)

Lyxor ESG Euro Corporate Bond (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc


The Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate Liquid SRI Sustainable index tracks Euro denominated corporate bonds. The index consists of ESG (environmental, social and governance) screened corporate bonds. Rating: Investment Grade.

VanEck Vectors iBoxx EUR Sovereign Diversified 1-10 UCITS ETFNL0009690254
The iBoxx® EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 1-10 index tracks the 25 most liquid Euro denominated government bonds issued by eurozone governments. Time to maturity: 1-10 years. Maximum weight per country: 4 bonds respectively 20%.
Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond (DR) UCITS ETF – AccLU1287023342
The FTSE MTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond index tracks eurozone’s largest and most widely traded government bonds with the highest credit ratings (AA/AAA). Issuer weightings within the index are based on each country’s share of eurozone GDP and adjusted by other key macroeconomic factors. The index is calculated based on mid prices of the underlying bonds.€147.61
Lyxor US Treasury 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF – DistLU1407887162
The Bloomberg US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond index tracks US Dollar denominated government bonds issued by the US Treasury. Time to maturity: 1-3 years. Rating: Investment Grade.€88.66
Lyxor US Treasury 3-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF – DistLU1407888996
The Bloomberg US Treasury 3-7 index tracks US Dollar denominated government bonds issued by the US Treasury. Time to maturity: 3-7 years. Rating: Investment Grade.€101.71
Lyxor Core US TIPS (DR) UCITS ETF – DistLU1452600270The Bloomberg US Government Inflation-Linked Bond index tracks US Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).€106.47€0.58
ETFs de bonos disponibles en BUX 0 (Enero 2022)

ETFs de bonos en Degiro

La lista de ETFs disponibles en Degiro es muy grande, asi que me aqui pongo solo los ETFs de bonos que se encuentran disponibles en el kernselectie. Si quieres saber mas de este broker puedes leer el articulo Invirtiendo en bolsa con Degiro y si ya tienes cuenta y no sabes como comprar entonces lee el articulo Como comprar en Degiro paso a paso

NombreISINDescripciónPrecio 26-01-2022Cupón
€ (%)
iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist)IE00BYPC1H27The Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank index tracks local currency denominated bonds that have been issued by the Chinese State or state-owned banks. All maturities are included. Rating: Investment Grade.€5.05€0.13
)iShares Core Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (Acc)IE00BF11F565The Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond index tracks euro-denominated corporate bonds from industrial, utility and financial issuers publicly issued in the Eurobond and eurozone domestic markets. Rating: Investment Grade.€5.28NA
iShares Core Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (Dist)IE00B3F81R35The Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond index tracks euro-denominated corporate bonds from industrial, utility and financial issuers publicly issued in the Eurobond and eurozone domestic markets. Rating: Investment Grade.€131.84€1.09
iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc)IE00BDBRDM35The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond (EUR Hedged) index tracks bonds issued in emerging and developed markets worldwide. Rating: Investment Grade. Currency hedged to Euro (EUR).€5.16NA
iShares Euro Aggregate Bond UCITS ETFIE00B3DKXQ41The Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Bond index tracks Euro denominated investment grade bonds publicly issued in the Eurobond and eurozone domestic markets. The index includes fixed-rate, investment-grade Euro denominated bonds. Time to maturity: minimum 1 year. Rating: Investment Grade.€124.27€0.59
iShares Euro Government Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist)IE00B1FZS806The Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10 index tracks Euro denominated government bonds issued by EMU member states. Time to maturity: minimum 7 years (original term 9.75-10.25 years). Rating: Investment Grade.€222.21NA
iShares Euro High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist)IE00B66F4759The iBoxx® EUR Liquid High Yield index tracks the largest and most liquid Euro denominated corporate bonds with sub-investment grade rating.€100.94€3.15
iShares Euro Inflation Linked Government Bond UCITS ETFIE00B0M62X26The Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation Linked Bond index tracks eurozone government inflation-linked bonds.€235.68NA
iShares USD Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF (Dist)IE00BSKRJZ44The ICE US Treasury 20+ index tracks US Dollar denominated government bonds issued by the US Treasury. Time to maturity: 20+ years.€4.7€0.08
Lyxor Euro Government Bond 7-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF – AccLU1287023185The Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 7-10 Year Bond index tracks Euro denominated government bonds issued by members of the eurozone. Time to maturity: 7-10 years. Rating: Investment Grade.€185.63NA
SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 10+ Year US Treasury Bond UCITS ETFIE00BYSZ5V04The Bloomberg US 10+ Year Treasury Bond index tracks US Dollar denominated government bonds issued by the US Treasury. Time to maturity: 10+ years. Rating: Investment Grade.€29.13€0.49
Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF DistributingIE00BZ163H91The Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Treasury index tracks Euro denominated government bonds issued by members of the eurozone. All maturities are included. Rating: Investment Grade.€26.59€0.02
Vanguard USD Treasury Bond UCITS ETF DistributingIE00BZ163M45The Bloomberg Global Aggregate US Treasury Float Adjusted index tracks US sovereign debt, issued by the US government. ‘Float adjusted’ means, the index does not consider bonds that are unavailable to the public.€22.39€0.26
Xtrackers EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1DLU1109942653The iBoxx® EUR Liquid High Yield index tracks the largest and most liquid Euro denominated corporate bonds with sub-investment grade rating.€16.81€0.97
Xtrackers II ESG EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1DLU0484968812The Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate Sustainable and SRI index tracks Euro denominated corporate bonds. The index consists of ESG (environmental, social and governance) screened corporate bonds. Rating: Investment Grade.€153.87€3.48
Xtrackers II Global Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETF 5C EUR hedgedLU0942970798The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond (EUR Hedged) index tracks bonds issued in emerging and developed markets worldwide. Rating: Investment Grade. Currency hedged to Euro (EUR).€22.32NA
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR HedgedLU0378818131The FTSE World Government Bond – Developed Markets (EUR Hedged) index tracks government bonds worldwide issued by developed countries. Rating: Investment Grade. Currency hedged to Euro (EUR).€233.46NA
Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 2D EUR hedgedIE00BZ036J45The Bloomberg USD Liquid Investment Grade Corporate (EUR Hedged) index tracks corporate bonds denominated in USD from the USA or other countries. The index contains all maturities. Currency hedged to Euro (EUR). Rating: Investment Grade.€13.98€0.45
ETFs de bonos disponibles en el kernselectie de Degiro (Enero 2022)

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