Get 3 % interest on your savings

Now that the interest rates offered by banks in the Netherlands have gone up, it is always good to compare which place offers you the highest rate for your savings. And this can sometimes be a broker like Trade Republic. I already talked more about this broker in the post Investing in the stock market with Trade Republic.

Trade Republic is a German broker and now bank that offers a higher interest rate than conventional banks. At the time of publishing this post it is offering 4% annual interest on your savings. In addition to this interest rate, it offers other features that make it an interesting option for investing and even spending.

Invest, spend and bank Trade Republic

Trade Republic presents itself as “the smarter way to invest, spend and bank,” and for good reason. Here are some key features that make this platform stand out:

Interés del 4% en efectivo: Trade Republic ofrece a sus usuarios un impresionante interés del 4% en efectivo, lo que significa que puedes hacer crecer tu dinero incluso mientras está en tu cuenta de inversión.
Tarjeta gratuita: La plataforma ofrece una tarjeta gratuita que te permite gastar y obtener un 1% de reembolso en tus compras, directamente depositado en tu plan de ahorro.
Inversión fácil y segura: Con Trade Republic, puedes comenzar a invertir con tan solo 1 €. Además, la plataforma promete transacciones sin comisiones ocultas y un entorno de inversión seguro.

Simple investment

In addition to helping you earn while you spend, Trade Republic also allows you to save for the future by investing in stocks, bonds and ETFs. Here are some key features of your investment options:

Invertir desde 1 €: Con Trade Republic, puedes comenzar a invertir en acciones o ETFs con tan solo 1 €, lo que la hace accesible incluso para aquellos con un presupuesto limitado.
Planes de ahorro: La plataforma ofrece planes de ahorro en ETFs o acciones, lo que te permite invertir de manera continua para construir riqueza a largo plazo.
Bonos: Trade Republic también ofrece la opción de invertir en bonos, lo que te permite bloquear altos intereses durante años y recibir pagos regulares. Y lo mejor de todo es que puedes comenzar con tan solo 1 € y vender en cualquier momento.

Trusted by millions

With more than 4 million users and 35 billion euros in assets, Trade Republic is one of the most trusted investment platforms in Europe. In addition, it is regulated by BaFin and Bundesbank, which guarantees a safe and secure investment environment.

With features such as cash interest, free subscription cards and the ability to invest from as little as $1, Trade Republic makes investing accessible to everyone. If you are looking for an easy and safe way to invest your money, Trade Republic could be the perfect option for you.

If you want more information about Trade Republic you can click on one of the blue links. By doing so you help the blog and future articles.

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